Expert Pool

The Expert Pool connects CDAC Network to a roster of more than 85 specialised consultants and organisations who share our strategic goals. Experts are organised across three workstreams: 1) Convening, collaboration and brokering; 2) Policy, strategy, learning and evidence; 3) Capacity bridging and training.

We issue biannual calls for Experts and welcome enquiries to

Meet some of our Experts

  • Stellar Murumba

    Stellar offers impactful solutions for effective humanitarian communication and community engagement.

  • Anahi Ayala Iacucci

    Anahi offers expertise in misinformation, disinformation and hate speech in conflict environments.

  • Sarah Spencer

    An expert on AI For Good, Sarah offers deep insight on the intersection of AI, conflict and public policy.

  • Rosie Jackson

    Rosie offers strategic foresight as a thought-leader in multi-sector, multi-modality response planning and participatory analysis in acute crises.

  • Anna Tomson

    Anna offers expertise in leveraging qualitative and participatory methodologies and citizen-generated data to improve aid decision-making.

  • Hannah Reichardt

    Hannah is a creative problem-solver, offering innovative solutions to complex challenges and systems change.