
CDAC and its members systematically advocate for the development of communication and community engagement as a predictable, consistent and properly funded aspect of preparedness, response and recovery. Together, we advance the argument for community voices to be recognised as a primary and authentic data and knowledge source.

We influence national and global policy. At the national level, we work with governments to ensure that communities and community engagement are at the heart of national disaster management policies and plans, in line with commitments in the Sustainable Development Goals, Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and the Grand Bargain.

At the international level, we advocate for the centrality of communication and community engagement to global humanitarian policymaking through our engagement with the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Results Groups and as an official partner of the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster.


A core part of advocacy and improving practice is building the evidence base to show that embedding communication and community engagement into humanitarian programming makes aid more sustainable, equitable, inclusive and effective.

Our research advances the argument for community voices to be recognised as a primary data and knowledge source. The evidence we produce amplifies the voices of those affected by crisis, enabling them to directly influence change in policy and practice at both the local and global levels.